The West Coast Game Park deserves it's own post - there were a lot of good photos there.
Honeymoon - West Coast Game Park [Show image locations on map] [Fullscreen slideshow]
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Pics and movies from before the honeymoon
As previously mentioned, Eden has been playing around with the new camera and has shown a flair for unique images. I thought I might share a few of her shots, as well as a glimpse into the inner workings of the Scheans household.
Camera Testing [Show image locations on map] [Fullscreen slideshow]
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
Camera Testing [Show image locations on map] [Fullscreen slideshow]
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
Back from the Honeymoon
Well, we're back from the honeymoon now (Pics and video are uploading in the background, and will be posted shortly.) Below you'll find a rough map of all the landmarks for our trip, if you'd care to follow along.
We left early Sunday morning, just 15 minutes after our target time of 6 am. Bags had been packed since the evening before (Primarily consisting of the awesome his and her's Playboy luggage given to us by Julian), toiletries assembled, beach gear tucked away, and outfits for the drive set out, so it was pretty much just a matter of getting up and into the car. We took Eden's car, as she has heated seats and considerably less road noise, and we'd just had her car serviced. The ride south was pretty uneventful, with Eden taking the first shift down I-5 and passing the wheel to me in Eugene to take a nap. For a few hours my company consisted primarily of Missy's comforting voice (Eden's family has a habit of naming vehicles; apparently this now extends to GPSes) repeatedly telling me softly to stay left on the same road I'd been on for hours.
A bit before we hit the coast in Reedsport, she woke back up, and joined me in making fun of the Prehistoric Gardens along the way - seriously, Barney seems to be a more realistic dino representation. We also saw an endless array of signs for the West Coast Game Park Safari, which actually turned out to be pretty cool when we visited it on the return leg, contrary to my own expectations. All along the entire trip down to Gold Beach we were stunned by the incredible vegetation that seemed to nearly absorb the roads as we went past. At any number of points, the road is overhung by dense foliage, creating an impression of traveling through some sort of beautiful forest tunnel. Surprisingly, the new camera shoots pretty well through glass, with minimal refractions. Just before we got to our destination, a broad sign on the road itself called us to a beautiful view in Port Orford. We were pleasantly surprised.
We got into town around 1, grabbed a quick bite at Subway, and decided to take a look around while waiting for check in time. The beach was beautiful, but cold and very windy, which highlighted a small problem with my new glasses - it appears that Transitions works based on temperature/radiation differentials, rather than actual temperature, meaning that at 40 degrees less wind chill and overcast skies, my glasses were pitch black and fully polarized, leading to several unusable photos since I couldn't really see the camera screen. Despite this, we had a lot of fun exploring. One notable bit was the fact that a group set up a bunch of lean-tos and a massive teepee at the driftwood line - it was pretty impressive.
Once we were able to check in at Ireland's Rustic Lodges, we pretty much just decompressed for a while. Eden was still beat and we really just needed time out of the car. That night we had dinner at Spinner's, at the recommendation of our hosts. The food was pretty good, all things considered - not incredibly impressive, but it got the job done. The place really gave the impression of a small business trying to achieve fanciness. The remainder of the evening was calm, save for the fact that the room design meant that we could hear our neighbor's TV quite clearly.
In the morning, we headed south for California and the Redwood Forest. Our first trek was through Howland Hills Road, as recommended on the Redwood National Forest website. The experience was simply stunning - the trees are gargantuan, and the forest seems to go on forever when you enter it. Eden also formulated a theory about California roads - the quality of the vistas offered is inversely proportional to the maintenance done on the roads themselves. Accordingly, the potholes on Howland Hills posed some serious threats to the axles. About 15 minutes in, right after a particularly rough jar, the check engine light came on on Eden's car, causing no small amount of panic. We'd only seen one other car on the road, and that was parked a rather long way back. The steam rising from the car was also concerning. In the end, we made it back to Crescent City without incident and took it to a local mechanic. In exchange for a $5 bill to buy lunch for his assistant, the friendly fellow was quick to let us know that it was just a signal that the fuel mix was too rich, a non-threatening condition that should be easily resolved at a dealership back in Oregon. We had a late brunch at the Apple Peddler, a chain of informal eateries we saw a lot of in northern California. The food was tasty, cheap, and served quickly, which helped a lot in soothing our nerves.
After eating, we headed back south along the coast on another route suggested on the website. Eden's theory seemed to hold true here as well, as the viewpoints were plentiful as soon as the road turned to gravel. Nothing quite as spectacular as the first route, but still impressive. We were a little surprised to discover that the route took us past a penetentiary, but we had no problems. We elected to play it a bit safe, just in case there were other problems with the car, and headed back north, stopping to explore the pier area in Cresent City. After a brief encounter with a "raggedy squirel" there, we headed back to the lodge for a few hours.
We spent some time looking for a recommendation for dinner, and came up with the Crazy Norweigan's in Port Orford, a 30 mile drive. Believe me when I tell you that it was worth it! Several reviews raved over the fish and chips there, and they were right. 3 different sizes of fish and chips dinners available, but we both went with the large, and didn't regret it. Simply, it was the best such dinner either of us had ever had. The coleslaw and pies accompanying our meals were also outstanding.
We elected to get an early start back on Tuesday, so as to take a more leisurely course. Breakfast was at Double D's cafe, a shaby but friendly establishment well populated by locals. The food was simple, but good, and I think they cheated pretty severely on my "3 egg" omlette - I was only able to finish about half of the huge portion.
We headed back up the coast, stopping at the West Coast Game Park Safari mentioned earlier. I had initially assumed that this would be a tiny collection of poorly cared for cast offs, and I'll admit that I was very wrong. Even though the animals were fairly damp due to the recent rain, they were obviously well cared for and loved. We got a chance to see and pet a few of the babies in person, which was pretty darn cool. Honestly, I think it was the most comprehensive collection I've ever seen for privately owned animals.
We stayed on 101 all the way to Lincoln City, just so that we could both finally say that we'd been up and down the full length of the Oregon coast. The vistas continued to be beautiful, but after the Redwood Forest, I think we were a little hard to impress. We stopped briefly for a quick lunch at China Bay in Florence, which we quickly regretted. I assumed that the familiar font, name, and menu implied a relation to our favorite restaurant in Beaverton. This was definately not the case, as the food was incredibly sub-par, as was the service.
On a more positive note, we were able to find some ginger candy to settle stomachs in Newport, and had some excellent Tillamook ice cream afterwards. The remainder of our trip home was uneventful, if a little long. Too many hours sitting in a car will eventually wear, even with great scenery.
Pics and movies will follow relatively shortly.
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We left early Sunday morning, just 15 minutes after our target time of 6 am. Bags had been packed since the evening before (Primarily consisting of the awesome his and her's Playboy luggage given to us by Julian), toiletries assembled, beach gear tucked away, and outfits for the drive set out, so it was pretty much just a matter of getting up and into the car. We took Eden's car, as she has heated seats and considerably less road noise, and we'd just had her car serviced. The ride south was pretty uneventful, with Eden taking the first shift down I-5 and passing the wheel to me in Eugene to take a nap. For a few hours my company consisted primarily of Missy's comforting voice (Eden's family has a habit of naming vehicles; apparently this now extends to GPSes) repeatedly telling me softly to stay left on the same road I'd been on for hours.
A bit before we hit the coast in Reedsport, she woke back up, and joined me in making fun of the Prehistoric Gardens along the way - seriously, Barney seems to be a more realistic dino representation. We also saw an endless array of signs for the West Coast Game Park Safari, which actually turned out to be pretty cool when we visited it on the return leg, contrary to my own expectations. All along the entire trip down to Gold Beach we were stunned by the incredible vegetation that seemed to nearly absorb the roads as we went past. At any number of points, the road is overhung by dense foliage, creating an impression of traveling through some sort of beautiful forest tunnel. Surprisingly, the new camera shoots pretty well through glass, with minimal refractions. Just before we got to our destination, a broad sign on the road itself called us to a beautiful view in Port Orford. We were pleasantly surprised.
We got into town around 1, grabbed a quick bite at Subway, and decided to take a look around while waiting for check in time. The beach was beautiful, but cold and very windy, which highlighted a small problem with my new glasses - it appears that Transitions works based on temperature/radiation differentials, rather than actual temperature, meaning that at 40 degrees less wind chill and overcast skies, my glasses were pitch black and fully polarized, leading to several unusable photos since I couldn't really see the camera screen. Despite this, we had a lot of fun exploring. One notable bit was the fact that a group set up a bunch of lean-tos and a massive teepee at the driftwood line - it was pretty impressive.
Once we were able to check in at Ireland's Rustic Lodges, we pretty much just decompressed for a while. Eden was still beat and we really just needed time out of the car. That night we had dinner at Spinner's, at the recommendation of our hosts. The food was pretty good, all things considered - not incredibly impressive, but it got the job done. The place really gave the impression of a small business trying to achieve fanciness. The remainder of the evening was calm, save for the fact that the room design meant that we could hear our neighbor's TV quite clearly.
In the morning, we headed south for California and the Redwood Forest. Our first trek was through Howland Hills Road, as recommended on the Redwood National Forest website. The experience was simply stunning - the trees are gargantuan, and the forest seems to go on forever when you enter it. Eden also formulated a theory about California roads - the quality of the vistas offered is inversely proportional to the maintenance done on the roads themselves. Accordingly, the potholes on Howland Hills posed some serious threats to the axles. About 15 minutes in, right after a particularly rough jar, the check engine light came on on Eden's car, causing no small amount of panic. We'd only seen one other car on the road, and that was parked a rather long way back. The steam rising from the car was also concerning. In the end, we made it back to Crescent City without incident and took it to a local mechanic. In exchange for a $5 bill to buy lunch for his assistant, the friendly fellow was quick to let us know that it was just a signal that the fuel mix was too rich, a non-threatening condition that should be easily resolved at a dealership back in Oregon. We had a late brunch at the Apple Peddler, a chain of informal eateries we saw a lot of in northern California. The food was tasty, cheap, and served quickly, which helped a lot in soothing our nerves.
After eating, we headed back south along the coast on another route suggested on the website. Eden's theory seemed to hold true here as well, as the viewpoints were plentiful as soon as the road turned to gravel. Nothing quite as spectacular as the first route, but still impressive. We were a little surprised to discover that the route took us past a penetentiary, but we had no problems. We elected to play it a bit safe, just in case there were other problems with the car, and headed back north, stopping to explore the pier area in Cresent City. After a brief encounter with a "raggedy squirel" there, we headed back to the lodge for a few hours.
We spent some time looking for a recommendation for dinner, and came up with the Crazy Norweigan's in Port Orford, a 30 mile drive. Believe me when I tell you that it was worth it! Several reviews raved over the fish and chips there, and they were right. 3 different sizes of fish and chips dinners available, but we both went with the large, and didn't regret it. Simply, it was the best such dinner either of us had ever had. The coleslaw and pies accompanying our meals were also outstanding.
We elected to get an early start back on Tuesday, so as to take a more leisurely course. Breakfast was at Double D's cafe, a shaby but friendly establishment well populated by locals. The food was simple, but good, and I think they cheated pretty severely on my "3 egg" omlette - I was only able to finish about half of the huge portion.
We headed back up the coast, stopping at the West Coast Game Park Safari mentioned earlier. I had initially assumed that this would be a tiny collection of poorly cared for cast offs, and I'll admit that I was very wrong. Even though the animals were fairly damp due to the recent rain, they were obviously well cared for and loved. We got a chance to see and pet a few of the babies in person, which was pretty darn cool. Honestly, I think it was the most comprehensive collection I've ever seen for privately owned animals.
We stayed on 101 all the way to Lincoln City, just so that we could both finally say that we'd been up and down the full length of the Oregon coast. The vistas continued to be beautiful, but after the Redwood Forest, I think we were a little hard to impress. We stopped briefly for a quick lunch at China Bay in Florence, which we quickly regretted. I assumed that the familiar font, name, and menu implied a relation to our favorite restaurant in Beaverton. This was definately not the case, as the food was incredibly sub-par, as was the service.
On a more positive note, we were able to find some ginger candy to settle stomachs in Newport, and had some excellent Tillamook ice cream afterwards. The remainder of our trip home was uneventful, if a little long. Too many hours sitting in a car will eventually wear, even with great scenery.
Pics and movies will follow relatively shortly.
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Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Photos from the disposables
Photos from the disposable cameras came back; many were unusable due to underexposure (I think not everyone realized the cameras had flashes), but there are some pretty nice photos here!
We're finally getting back to a semi-routine, which is ironic, given the upcoming honeymoon, which will likely just completely mess it up again. I've just taken my last final, and set the last entry to my other blog for a while; hopefully the stress level will continue to drop.
Eden and I got a new digital camera today, and Eden spent a good portion of the afternoon giving it a workout. She's got a real eye for composition, and even got a few decent pics of me! I'll try to talk her into letting me upload a few here shortly.
E&J Wedding - Disposables
[Show image locations on map] [Fullscreen slideshow]
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
We're finally getting back to a semi-routine, which is ironic, given the upcoming honeymoon, which will likely just completely mess it up again. I've just taken my last final, and set the last entry to my other blog for a while; hopefully the stress level will continue to drop.
Eden and I got a new digital camera today, and Eden spent a good portion of the afternoon giving it a workout. She's got a real eye for composition, and even got a few decent pics of me! I'll try to talk her into letting me upload a few here shortly.
E&J Wedding - Disposables
[Show image locations on map] [Fullscreen slideshow]
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Wedding Photos from Kathy's Digital Camera
Mom's camera has turned up (in a pocket, as predicted), and it was chock full of wedding photos, as well as some pics from the wedding shower thrown by Eden's aunt Pat, and the long awaited meeting of the parents at Gustav's.
We did get around to opening wedding presents earlier in the week, and got some amazingly thoughtful (and sometimes delightfully strange!) stuff from all of our friends. Once we've congealed from our stay at Pat's, we'll share some of those with you here. Let me be the first to brag that not one gift was something we wouldn't use or enjoy - darn good for electing not to register anywhere. I guess our friends know us pretty well.
E&J Wedding - Kathy's Digital
[Show image locations on map] [Fullscreen slideshow]
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
We did get around to opening wedding presents earlier in the week, and got some amazingly thoughtful (and sometimes delightfully strange!) stuff from all of our friends. Once we've congealed from our stay at Pat's, we'll share some of those with you here. Let me be the first to brag that not one gift was something we wouldn't use or enjoy - darn good for electing not to register anywhere. I guess our friends know us pretty well.
E&J Wedding - Kathy's Digital
[Show image locations on map] [Fullscreen slideshow]
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
More wedding video
Well, we're a couple of days out from the wedding at this point, and we're still feeling pretty good, I think. We're house sitting for Eden's aunt Pat until the weekend, so we elected to save most of the cleanup for today, at least for the non-perishable stuff. I managed to dump a gallon or so of ice cold rainwater on myself from one of the tents earlier, which was amusing (to others) and painfully frigid.
I was surprised at how few of the disposable cameras that we put out got used; we still have 13 that are completely untouched. One of the disposables is missing, which means that we'll either find it later or someone still has it in a pocket somewhere. Either way, I'm sure it'll show up soon. We're going to try to remember to drop off the other 6 for development later tonight or tomorrow.
Unfortunately, my mom's Konica is MIA as well, and we're running out of places to look. Ideally this one is in a pocket somewhere as well. In any case, those who took digital photos have started sending them our way, as you can see from the several previous posts - it's really kind of cool to see.
[A couple more videos of the Hounds playing, taken with my dad's digital camera.]
I was surprised at how few of the disposable cameras that we put out got used; we still have 13 that are completely untouched. One of the disposables is missing, which means that we'll either find it later or someone still has it in a pocket somewhere. Either way, I'm sure it'll show up soon. We're going to try to remember to drop off the other 6 for development later tonight or tomorrow.
Unfortunately, my mom's Konica is MIA as well, and we're running out of places to look. Ideally this one is in a pocket somewhere as well. In any case, those who took digital photos have started sending them our way, as you can see from the several previous posts - it's really kind of cool to see.
[A couple more videos of the Hounds playing, taken with my dad's digital camera.]
Monday, March 9, 2009
Video goodness
The deed is indeed done (say that 10 times fast!) and thankfully so. We had a wonderful time last night and are incredibly grateful to all of you that came, and still more grateful to everyone that contributed to making it happen. As it happens, we were both famished and exhausted when everything was said and done, so Cassie, Nick, Marjorie, Alyson, Eden and I all went to Jubitzs to get some food as soon as everyone was gone. The company there was great, the food decent, the wait for said food not so good, and the service abysmal. That's ok though; we got home shortly before midnight. Eden pretty much dropped straight to sleep and I stayed up a few more hours to finish off a paper that I'd been too distracted to finish pulling together, completely neglecting her (to top it all off, the teacher "kindly" gave us another two days to work on the project when I got to class today). We haven't even opened the wedding presents yet; we're going to go ahead and do that when I get home from school tonight.
In any case, Adam kindly let me download the photos from his digital camera before he left, as well as the video he took of the ceremony. That video, as well as two I took of the Hounds playing should appear below for your perusal - photos will start being posted soon.
In any case, Adam kindly let me download the photos from his digital camera before he left, as well as the video he took of the ceremony. That video, as well as two I took of the Hounds playing should appear below for your perusal - photos will start being posted soon.
The Perfect Wedding? I think so!
As you may have guessed, it being the 9th of March, we are now happily married! I can't speak for the things that Josh has learned, but I can attest that I have learned some amazing lessons this time around, and I figure I ought to share them while I have a few free moments to myself. The snow is beginning to softly fall again, and it all seems a little surreal and perfect all at once!
1. Things will go wrong. It will all be perfect anyway!
---You may well skin your knee on the day before, you might forget your toothbrush, a car could break down, a heater dish might not fit, your groom's wish for snow might come true... and none of that will matter. Your planning will all work for you, not against and soon you'll be at the alter (or a set of steps) and you'll be looking at those you love, and hearing about your great wedding... and better yet... enjoying it!
2. Don't buy or rent what you can borrow!
---You'd be surprised how much "stuff" people have that will be perfect for your wedding. You might not have tiered cupcakes.. or in our case you might, just different. If you're willing to put aside the notion of "matching = perfect" you may find that you'll be a lot happier! For goodness sakes, we had a 30 cup coffee maker/server sitting in our garage, our punch bowls were one ACTUAL punch bowl, and one lovely bowl that my mother uses for fruit on a daily basis. The most important thing is to ask, and to visualize!
3. Keep laughing, even when things go wrong!
---It's a hard one I know, and that horrible maniacal timber may enter your voice, but if you take a deep breath and realize you'll have a story for years to come, you'll make it through with grace and giggles!
4.Don't forget about the network you already have in place.
---You may have friends that are a band, you may know a guy who does photography, you may know a minister, and you may know people who raise your favorite flower (or they could be people your family and future in-laws know), take advantage of connections! You may just have a perfect band, a perfect ceremony, and a barrage of daffodils showered upon you!
5.Listen to all ideas!
---Yes, you may want to do a huge wedding, with dinner and everything, but sometimes it's not a realistic thing to do. If you can't find a place you'd want to get married, or can't think of one, ask family, they may know a place, or you may end up borrowing a house from someone! You may think that your favorite flowers will be perfect for the day, but they might not be in bloom yet, so ask a florist, or better yet, ask a mom, your mom in fact, about anything. She'll be there for you, even if it's to ask silly questions you should already know the answer to. Don't forget, you have to LISTEN to her answers and her ideas, don't dismiss everything out of hand, really just listen to everyone.
I have more advice, and more to say about how amazing yesterday was! I really do, but I am entranced by the snow, and I'm thinking a cupcake for breakfast might be the thing to make this day start on a high note.
oh.. also... NEVER forget your proverbs and sayings from grade school. March... In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb. Silly me!
1. Things will go wrong. It will all be perfect anyway!
---You may well skin your knee on the day before, you might forget your toothbrush, a car could break down, a heater dish might not fit, your groom's wish for snow might come true... and none of that will matter. Your planning will all work for you, not against and soon you'll be at the alter (or a set of steps) and you'll be looking at those you love, and hearing about your great wedding... and better yet... enjoying it!
2. Don't buy or rent what you can borrow!
---You'd be surprised how much "stuff" people have that will be perfect for your wedding. You might not have tiered cupcakes.. or in our case you might, just different. If you're willing to put aside the notion of "matching = perfect" you may find that you'll be a lot happier! For goodness sakes, we had a 30 cup coffee maker/server sitting in our garage, our punch bowls were one ACTUAL punch bowl, and one lovely bowl that my mother uses for fruit on a daily basis. The most important thing is to ask, and to visualize!
3. Keep laughing, even when things go wrong!
---It's a hard one I know, and that horrible maniacal timber may enter your voice, but if you take a deep breath and realize you'll have a story for years to come, you'll make it through with grace and giggles!
4.Don't forget about the network you already have in place.
---You may have friends that are a band, you may know a guy who does photography, you may know a minister, and you may know people who raise your favorite flower (or they could be people your family and future in-laws know), take advantage of connections! You may just have a perfect band, a perfect ceremony, and a barrage of daffodils showered upon you!
5.Listen to all ideas!
---Yes, you may want to do a huge wedding, with dinner and everything, but sometimes it's not a realistic thing to do. If you can't find a place you'd want to get married, or can't think of one, ask family, they may know a place, or you may end up borrowing a house from someone! You may think that your favorite flowers will be perfect for the day, but they might not be in bloom yet, so ask a florist, or better yet, ask a mom, your mom in fact, about anything. She'll be there for you, even if it's to ask silly questions you should already know the answer to. Don't forget, you have to LISTEN to her answers and her ideas, don't dismiss everything out of hand, really just listen to everyone.
I have more advice, and more to say about how amazing yesterday was! I really do, but I am entranced by the snow, and I'm thinking a cupcake for breakfast might be the thing to make this day start on a high note.
oh.. also... NEVER forget your proverbs and sayings from grade school. March... In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb. Silly me!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Lineage updated

Wishes are not allowed!
So I've now been told that I'm not allowed to wish for anything again. Yesterday I told Eden and the gang that I'd prefer getting snow for today over being rained on. Apparently I got my wish, though the force had been blunted by sharing that wish (as per the childhood mythology). That's ok, I've already got my wish in for brunette twin girls when we get around to having kids, I'm ok with no more wishes for a little while.
Wedding morning jitters are relatively sparse, actually. Other than zoning out a bit in the shower this morning while thinking about the future, I feel pretty good. No new crises to report, and Nick's repairs to the car worked perfectly, probably saving me close to a thousand dollars.
All in all, it's going to be a glorious day!
Saturday, March 7, 2009
T minus one....
Well, we're down to one day away from the wedding. Of course this means that everyone is a bundle of nerves at the moment, the bride most especially. We've been doing everything we can to let off steam whenever there's a spare moment, including taking a trip out to Oswald West beach with Cassie and Nick last weekend. It's an amazing beach, with a nice long trail from the parking lot to the beach with some incredible vegetation along the way.
Eden and I also took some time out to visit our favorite Chinese restaurant, China Bay in Beaverton. At the end of the meal, Eden got a fortune cookie with 4 individual fortunes:
"You will soon be part of a team. Work cooperatively for success."
"Be content with your lot. One cannot be first in everything."
"Listen these next few days to your friends to get answers you seek."
"The most direct approach isn't always the best. Use diplomacy."
My own, single fortune, was a little more to the point:
"When the flowers bloom, so will great joy in your life."
We're choosing to view these as a good omen for the wedding.
Today has been a difficult day - lots to get done, and not a whole lot going exactly the way we've hoped. My car has been having issues for the last couple of weeks (which ironically only started after I threw a couple of hundred dollars at the local shop to change fluids, etc), and now won't start at all. Cassie's beau, Nick, is a shoreside mechanic when he's not in the engine room of a boat, and has been looking at it - part of our mission today was to pick up a new starter for the beast, and as I type this, he's working on the car to put it in.
Unfortunately, part of the cruddy things in it finally giving out was timing - we were about to head back up to Eden's to pick up a second load of wedding supplies and it just wouldn't go. In the interest of expediency, we decided to just take Pat's car to get things done and deal with mine later. In the midst of pushing my car out of the way, Eden slipped and fell, skinning her knee pretty viciously. Needless to say, this did not make for a calm or happy bride. All things considered, she took it like a trooper, but it was not a good thing, and continued to hurt for several hours after the event.
One thing that did go right, however, was our family friends the Cutsforths and the Grubes donating a large number of daffodils and hydrangeas for the ceremony, saving us some money and allowing us to incorporate even more of a DIY element.
In any case, we're soldiering along, just trying to get through to tomorrow evening.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
4 days stand between us and the wedding ceremony, and things are continuing to be hectic. Almost all details are set and (where applicable) paid for at this point. The marriage license is waiting patiently on a shelf, as are both of our rings.
As it turns out, my original ring was of considerably lower quality than I had anticipated and the wrong size; after a discouraging misadventure having a local jeweler attempt to resize it (which basically devolved to him chopping a section out, soldering the ring back together, then grinding everything down so that all detail was removed from the surface.... resulting in a pitifully ugly version of the original ring which was - wait for it - the EXACT SAME SIZE as when I came in) we decided to ask the artist that did a custom ring for Eden to make a similar ring for me. I've got to say, I'm really impressed with her work; my pitiful amateur photography skills really don't do it justice. For those that will ask, that's a citrine in her ring. can't seem to make up it's mind as to what things are going to look like on Sunday - yesterday the prediction was 52 degrees with only a 10% chance of rain, today it's showing as 43 degrees and 40%; very frustrating. While we are planning to rent some patio heaters to stave off the chills, if it's actually raining during the (brief) ceremony, things might get a little hokey. Right now we have 39 bodies due to show up for the wedding, plus the band. If we have to move people inside for the actual ceremony, it's going to be cozy. After the ceremony, it's less of a concern, as there are plenty of rooms for people to mingle through, but getting people in range to actually see the "I do" might be a problem.
As stated in a previous blog post, we're not doing the professional photographer thing - there'll be disposable cameras available onsite, and we'd like to ask for copies of any pictures you folks might take there with your own cameras (if they're digital, you can of course just email em to us). The results will either be posted here or a link will be posted to the hosting if necessary.
We're off to pick up Eden's skirt for the wedding today, and will also be ordering the main desert for pickup; by my count, that'll just leave picking up flowers and heaters before the big day. Of course there's a lot of setup to do, but all of the components are settling into place.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Bogged down in details
Well it's less than a week before the wedding, and I can't believe this is only the third post. What was supposed to be an easy way to communicate has been set aside, since we've had so much to do in so little time.
This weekend was amazingly crucial... as was this week.
We managed to get almost all the details handled!
We have a full outfit for Josh, and my skirt, also known as the final piece is in production.
We've gone through our lists, checked them twice, and we're as ready as you can be.
All the paperwork is filed, everything is just... well as good as it gets!
This weekend was amazingly crucial... as was this week.
We managed to get almost all the details handled!
We have a full outfit for Josh, and my skirt, also known as the final piece is in production.
We've gone through our lists, checked them twice, and we're as ready as you can be.
All the paperwork is filed, everything is just... well as good as it gets!
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