Good results today in A&P lab, 14/15 on today's quiz. Unfortunately, that news was paired with the posting of last week's grades, which, as it turns out, pointed out two bits on the lecture quiz that I thought I had gotten right according to my comparison with my notes that were in fact wrong; the usual case of the selected answer being half right, but not the best answer. Bleh. So that score went from the expected 13/15 to 11/15.
Finally ended up figuring out what I wanted to do with my photography assignment in the afternoon, which worked out well, as the skies were more or less clear and the roads pretty drivable. Professor Becerra liked the results more than I did, praising all three submissions pretty effusively, while I really only liked the final frame. Ah well, I suppose that's better than the other way around.
Evening study group for A&P lecture was frustrating, as the other classes appear to have gotten even more out of phase with Torres; nearly everything brought up by Sierra didn't apply to what we'll be tested on tomorrow.
On the other hand, I did end up joining Jennifer in crashing Josh's meeting after study group, which was interesting. Turns out he has a number of friends that are trying to set up a gaming company together; kind of fascinating to watch. Tonight's subject was trying to come up with a company name (not already taken) and thematic orientation for logos and such. The primary business leader in the group, Abe, reminds me very strongly of an old friend of mine, Victor.
Oddly enough, he got quite excited when Roxanne happened to phone for assistance in getting some video codecs to work; apparently casual tech support scores points. Apparently now I'm a consultant for this as yet unnamed company, with negotiations as to what that might entail or imply yet to come. The guy seems to have his head on straight, so maybe this'll end up being a "very good thing" (TM). On the other hand, I wouldn't mind if it just landed as a good way to meet new friends to hang out with; the group had a vibe of my kind of people.
Speaking of which, I'm compelled to reflect on my incredibly rapidly growing friendship with my namesake, Josh. I see so much of myself in him (or perhaps project myself onto) that it's very hard not to like him. Same awful sense of humor, same techie immersion, same selective social awkwardness; same selective attention, for that matter. He does seem to have the edge on me in beard-growing, however.
Similar background, as well - we spent an almost embarassing portion of the evening trading boot camp horror stories, which were surprisingly alike, given that he's out of the Army and I'm from the Navy. Think we managed to stun most of the rest of the group, who seemed quite incredulous as to the truth of our tales.
Odd too that I should find this level of kinship with such young people - Jennifer is 14 years my junior, whereas Josh is only 12 years behind. I choose to believe this reflects their maturity; certainly Jen's schoolastic efforts far outstrip my own at her age. It's reassuring, in a way, to see them together; their relationship stability also seems to far outstrip their peers.
Ah well, regardless, I'm incredibly greatful to have found such good friends here - it makes being away from Eden slightly more palatable, and more immediately, edges me back towards a level of sanity that might be judged acceptable by community standards.