Thursday, September 23, 2010

Daily Post (Josh) 2010-09-21

Rough first day, I'm afraid. Spent an awfully large portion of the morning hopelessly distracted by migraine and nausea, and the last few hours of the evening almost watching my attention wander as the ADD meds petered out. The ones I'm taking are already designed for "extended release", but in practice, my final class doesn't end until about 14 hours after I've taken 'em. Since they seem to be losing efficacy overall, I think I'm going to talk to the doc, once I get coverage, about maybe taking the same dose (or slightly less) twice a day, perhaps 8 hours apart, so that I can keep focused in all of my classes.

Also got a few abrupt surprises out of the gate; my first two classes had swapped instructors and texts, and my chemistry class now requires an online homework component that in turn requires a fee per term. My plans of skating by, financially, with only a lab book as an absolutely necessary purchase, are shattered. On the plus side, I emailed my parents about a short term loan while financial aid catches up, and they we almost eager to help me out - I think perhaps they've felt a little cut off from being able to contribute to this scholastic effort. In any case, my textbook needs will be taken care of and things should work out, there.

I'm fairly impressed by the teachers I met today, as well - my chemistry teacher comes off as very friendly and personable, which has not been my average experience with teachers in the science realm, with the notable exception of Dr. Torres at OIT. Anatomy looks interesting as well - the instructor may be slightly brusque, but he's knowledgeable and vivacious; apparently he's spent a number of years as both a MD and an ultrasound tech before coming to the teaching profession. Once you get past his slight accent, he's obviously got a lot of good stuff to say.

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