There's something wrong with me. I know this for a multitude of reasons, not the least of which being the subtle indicator which is a dearth of restful sleep, and a sudden excess of migraine symptoms. Tomorrow I will be precisely one week away from heading south to OIT, away from my lovely wife and toward a minimum of four years of study, hopefully to be followed by a brand new career. The anticipation is simply killing me, to the point where I've been intermittently fantasizing about heading down early and simply camping in the area just to finally be there, even though I would have less than nothing to do. I don't have anything clever or insightful to say on this subject; rather, I am simply abusing you all as a tiny outlet for some of this frustration. Normal updates here will probably resume later today, if my head cooperates. Thanks for understanding, and listening.
- J
P.S. The pic of Mei Mei above does not represent anything in particular... it's just the best pic I've taken of her so far, I think, and I had to share.
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