It seems like the remainder of September has simply flown by, interrupted only by various stress inflicted health symptoms for both Eden and I; primarily migraines and insomnia. Regardless, we did manage to squeeze in a few adventures before I left, including another trip to Multnomah Falls to catch some of the early fall weather.

Eden had planned a surprise going away party for the 13th, which meant her own self-assigned task was to keep me away from the house all day. We ended up at the Steigerwald Lake Wildlife Reserve, near Stevenson, Washington. Poor Eden was so tired that day that she simply fell asleep in the parking lot for a few hours while I trekked around with the camera.

The actual party was pretty cool too - nearly everyone I'd have liked to see showed up, save for a few with time conflicts or that were mixed up about which weekend things were happening on. To my recollection, no one has ever thrown me a surprise party before, and I've got to admit it felt awfully good that people cared that much that I was leaving.

Our friend Vash threw a barbecue the Saturday before I left, which was also a blast, and had mighty tasty food too. In theory I have the recipe for some killer dip coming my way soon, and I now know that the bulk hamburgers from Costco are tasty as heck with the right man at the grill - Vash set them up with two patties sealed together with cheese in the middle and it was just sinfully good. The company there was also interesting, especially the kids running around - later in the day the girls got it in their heads that it was time to rake up leaves, and they were excessively cute in their intensity at the task.

Eden and I headed down to Philomath that Sunday for a belated birthday party for my brother Tim. It was good to see everyone before I headed off, and the drive down and back was actually a fairly peaceful way to take time alone with Eden. I want to take a moment and point out the picture of the respirator on the left here that I nabbed while I was there - this is the kind of thing Tim does for fun - just awesome art doodles that no one will ever see. Of course the pieces he does
commercially are amazing too, but really, his random stuff needs more exposure too.

Now that I've gotten down to Klamath Falls, I haven't taken too much time for shooting, mostly due to feeling cruddy, although that's been getting steadily better. I did feel well enough when I woke up last Thursday to make a run out to the
Klamath Marsh National Wildlife Refuge that I'd seen on the way down, about an hour out of town. Once you turn off the highway, it's definitely isolated. I didn't see much, other than chipmunks and birds, but those guys posed pretty well in any case. One shot that I didn't nab, and wish I could have, was of pretty much all of them running along the road - the terrain was so dusty that they all looked like
Speedy Gonzales impersonators as they left. Oh well - they were just too shy to manage the right angle. I did try to head over to Crater Lake on the way back to take some follow up pictures for the ones we took earlier this year, but the smoke from the recent wildfire interfered, having collected in the crater bowl in thick enough layers to block all view of the lake.
And that pretty much wraps it up for September! October is a new month now, and I'm not so sure that this blog will see a lot of use in the coming months, as Eden and I will be spending considerably less time together. That said, I'm starting a new project; trying to post a daily pic each day for at least the next month. Eden recently had a week long swap with this theme and it seemed very interesting, although I haven't had a chance to see all of her pics. In any case, I'll be posting those pictures here, and of course my scholastic adventures have resumed, so my other
blog is back in business, so hopefully you won't miss me too very much.
2009-10-01 Picdump [Show images on map] [Fullscreen slideshow]Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
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