Thursday, April 15, 2010

Daily Post (Josh) 2010-04-13

Second quiz in A&P lab went well, 13/15 by my count. If nothing else, the terms seem to be sticking a lot better this time around, despite my horrible habit of tending to forget about my memory medicine (Irony!).

On the other hand, I've had kind of a horrible evening, and have made a decision that I'm not proud of, at all. Given that there's a workshop tomorrow to prep for the MIT application interviews, I decided to get a head start on the paperwork to actually apply. Looking online to get things together, I found out that the deadline to apply to the program was April 9th, last Friday, rather than mid-May, as I had remembered.

Needless to say, I'm panicking, BIG time. That said, I've shot emails to the appropriate people to see about fixing this, with what I hope is the appropriate tone and respect. It's all I can do for now, given that there's no one in the business office at 7 at night.

I've also decided not to share this with Eden until at least tomorrow, when I have a better idea of how much this will screw up my plans. I know that makes me a bad husband, but I'm willing to live with it, after having tossed things back and forth in my head for a couple of hours. There's already one person here shattered and frantic - I don't see any benefit to adding to the pool of worried people, yet.

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