Friday, April 23, 2010

Daily Post (Josh) 2010-04-22

Horrible start to the day today. Woke up thinking "this ain't a bad morning, let's get some stuff done", and managed to transition to "want to puke my guts out HARD" between the entrance to Boivin hall and the door to my Tai Chi classroom. Maybe last night's burger _was_ a bit underdone. All the same, my stomach seemed to settle after a few hours, but I'm pretty sure I've never had that kind of feeling come on that strong or that abruptly before.

Given that tomorrow is my first exam of the term (in Chemistry), I elected to spend the evening in, studying for the most part. I did take time out for a couple of rounds of Settlers of Catan with Dustin and Nick, but that hardly counts, does it?

On the plus side, I've managed to remember my memory meds for 7 days in a row now, which is something I've really been trying to work on, given my issues with Dr. McVay's testing style. (Love her teaching, hate her testing!) On the down side, I didn't remember today's dose until late evening. Not good for the habitual insomniac.

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