Thursday, February 18, 2010

Daily Post (Josh) 2010-02-16

A&P lab went well today. 14/15 on the quiz, which felt pretty darn good. The girls did great as well, which I've got to admit I feel pretty proud of. I'm reasonably sure I can grab at least some of the blame, though certainly not all. We've been working hard at this stuff.

Today's lab was a pig heart dissection, and it was fairly interesting. Most of the structures (that the butcher hadn't simply removed), were fairly easily distinguished, and I don't think any of us were too affected by squeamishness on this one.

I do have to admit that Torres' labs are messing with my taste buds, a bit. As an example, the heart as presented was very reminiscent of a pot roast in terms of fat deposits and marbling - actually made me a bit hungry.

No class for photography today, as professor Becerra is out of town. At some very near point I need to snag Jen for a short series of portraits for my next assignment, but I can't help feeling a little self-intimidated on that one. Knowing when and how to grab a good candid is a lot different situation than having near total control over light quality and being able to direct the subject. I suppose it's probably one of those things where you just have to take the plunge the first time.

Registration for next term is now locked in. As it turns out, I won't be taking C++ after all, as the course is locked in with a lab that overlaps the anatomy time slot, and isn't offered at any other time. Digital media production will be slotted in as a replacement - not sure how that'll turn out, but it seems likely to be interesting, and possibly useful in the long term.

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