I've been meaning to do this for a long while (months, in fact), but a delicate balance between schoolwork, studying, sleeping, and just enough recreation to maintain sanity has prevented me from having a large enough block of time to catch up. In any case, here's what Eden and I have been up to for the last few months.

The month opened on a relatively mild fall, with weather staying warm and pleasant, and providing some wonderful colors as the foliage changed.

I did get a chance to slip back home for a quick weekend visit on the second, to spend some time with the family and see the last bit of a Hounds show. Alas, the break was over far too quickly, but it was still a worthwhile trip.

I've taken advantage of the local arboretum that is just up the road from the dorms to find some peace in the mornings and a relatively steady supply of photo subjects. Even when the birds are scarce, it makes for a zen way to start the day.

Eden swooped down to Klamath Falls on the 20th to surprise me with a few days visiting. She managed to make it all the way here before her phone started to die, spending the last few scraps of juice to call me from Snell hall. We spent the time exploring the local sights, including a trip down the the Lava Beds national monument area.

Another great place I've found for photo opportunities is the local skate park. Natural lighting plus rapid movement makes for good practice. The skaters there are amazingly age tolerant; one of the younger regulars is perhaps six, and the others are careful to work around him as he rides around the periphery.

Halloween made for a fun finish to the month, as nearly everyone on campus got into the spirit in one way or another, including staff. Personally, I decided to abuse the small collection of equipment I've been building and go as a newspaper photographer.
2009-10 Picdump [Show images on map] [Fullscreen slideshow]Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
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