The girls and I have been spending an almost obscene amount of time together lately, just trying to keep up with studying for Anatomy. This has also meant an opportunity to get some shots of Roxanne's daughter, Ivy. She's a precocious little thing, and an interesting reminder of how much I've missed having kids around to shoot. Adults are just too self conscious.

The skies and sunsets have been particularly beautiful lately, which I personally find surprising, given how little pollution there is in the area to add color. Perhaps it has something to do with the elevation around here changing the angle to the horizon. Regardless, the results speak for themselves.

I got a chance to come up to Portland to visit Eden on the 7th, while she was house sitting for Pat. Just a quick 3 day run, but still worth the drive. Even though it's a lot of driving in one day, I think I'm adapting to it, a little. Gives me time to think.

I also fulfilled a longtime ambition on the 21st, playing second shooter for my friend Dennis at his friends' wedding. The day was chaotic and rushed, the lighting was horrible, and the weather frigid. I had a wonderful time, even so - I can't imagine that anyone's wedding ever goes absolutely to plan, and the love and good spirits shown during Craig and Kay's ceremony bode very well for their future together.

The month finished out quite nicely, with a decent stretch of time off to head north to celebrate Eden's birthday with friends and family. We also got a chance to bring the Scheans family south for Thanksgiving, spending turkey day at my parents. It was a rousing success, and ended with promises of plans for years to come.
2009-11 Picdump [Show images on map] [Fullscreen slideshow]Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
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