"Breakfast Blend"
We got our final project in photography today, as well - short version is that we're supposed to "tell a story" in 6 pictures. There are a couple of other determinants, but that's the basics. Due Tuesday, will represent nearly all of our final grade, from the sound of it. Glad we have time to plan on this. Sheesh. Got a couple of ideas, but we'll see.
Airsoft meeting tonight, to elect officers for the club for next year. Turns out that Peter was about the only person I knew there, so I abstained, but that's ok - it worked out well. President was the only position that had any competition, and that vote landed as a tie. As per club charter, there'll be a duel for the position at the next airsoft game to break the tie. Awesome.
After the vote, it was time for pizza, ice cream, and a showing of "Zombieland", which I hadn't gotten around to seeing yet. Turns out that I seem to like zombie comedies, based on this and Shaun of the Dead. In any case, any club that caters, even from Dominos, has got to be good, right?
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