Pi day! At this very moment, I'm about 24.5 hours away from getting home, which makes it a very good day indeed. It's going to continue to be hard to wait that long, but having that 24 hour line in sight somehow makes things a little more real.
Dr. McVay held a review session today for the A&P final, which seemed to go pretty well. Among other things, it gave me a chance to confirm my initial impression of her. Since Dr. Torres isn't teaching A&P next term, I selected her for my lecture teacher, and I'm glad that I did. She has his same passion, visibly. She obviously understands, and moreover, loves, her subject. Her level of animation was a delight to see, and she did well on clearing up a few points that I was unclear on. I must confess, I was tempted into trying to snap a few pics to capture this wonderful spirit, but the crowd in the lecture hall prevented me from getting anything I really liked - every time she'd light up, she'd seem to almost dive in front of a handy student to block the shot. Ah well, I'll have a few months to work on that, soon.
The girls and I headed back to Roxanne's after the review to try to hone our knowledge a bit more, but I'm not sure we got much out of it. I was nearly tired enough to actually manage some sleep during the day, and was forced to more or less pace in place to maintain focus. Regardless, I was picking out most of the right answers nearly in my sleep, which hopefully bodes well for my actual performance.
Bottom line, I can't wait to actually be done with this whole thing, and just take the darn tests. Soon enough, or nearly so.
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