Saturday, March 13, 2010

Daily Post (Josh) 2010-03-10

My final quiz in A&P went ok today, for all that I spent little time studying for it (too much brain burnout working on the lab final) - I ended up with the expected range of 13/15.

Our final class session in Medical Terminology also went pretty smoothly - no new information, just a quiz and class review.

Honestly not a whole lot to report today, other than the completion of a rather critical project; my photos from the last 4 years or so have been successfully trimmed (from 165 GB to 35 GB) and backed up/transferred to the desktop, which is a good thing, as the laptop is trying real hard to die on me. I had formed a bad habit of tending to keep copies of photos that weren't necessarily worth publishing in any form... stuff that's just not terribly photogenic. Since my primary subjects have turned out to be humans and animals, this means I had an awful lot of blinks and funny looks just sitting on the drive doing nothing. Time to jetison 'em.

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