Thursday, March 31, 2011

November 2010 wrap up

November finished up quite nicely, actually. Once again, the Byrams joined the Scheans for a delightful thanksgiving bash, this year at Grandma Vivian's house. We even got a chance to have a few new guests, Danielle and Frank, friends of Pat's that added even more liveliness to the party, and of course, since Eden's birthday overlapped the event, we got to celebrate that too!
20101125-Carnage!20101125-Danielle in the hall20101125-Caught20101125-Frank in profile 220101125-Resolute20101125-A little crooked20101125-A regular guest20101125-Turkey 1, Cassie 0

20101125-Greenhouse lighting20101125-Bud closeup 3It was rather nice to be able to introduce Tim to Vivian's gardening habit, as they both have a great passion for growing things; even though Vivian isn't as mobile as she used to be, her house (as well as the basement, yard, and greenhouse) is filled with vines and flowers.

20101127-Lady of the lids20101127-A well considered responseThe remaining days of November slid by rapidly, with the girls attending one last Fairy Floss weekend, followed by a week straight of selling for Eden Kitty Studios, both on campus at PCC Cascade, and down at Hip Happenings in Sellwood. Even if sales weren't quite as nice as we would have hoped, it was good to be able to visit Eden between classes.

20101130-PDX Launch20101130-United TakeoffI even got a day off on the 30th, as my Chemistry class was canceled. I spent a bit of the day near the state border on 205, playing with shooting a few of the airplanes as they took off, as the birds that I normally like to shoot in that area had already left for the winter.

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