Tuesday, March 10, 2009

More wedding video

Well, we're a couple of days out from the wedding at this point, and we're still feeling pretty good, I think. We're house sitting for Eden's aunt Pat until the weekend, so we elected to save most of the cleanup for today, at least for the non-perishable stuff. I managed to dump a gallon or so of ice cold rainwater on myself from one of the tents earlier, which was amusing (to others) and painfully frigid.

I was surprised at how few of the disposable cameras that we put out got used; we still have 13 that are completely untouched. One of the disposables is missing, which means that we'll either find it later or someone still has it in a pocket somewhere. Either way, I'm sure it'll show up soon. We're going to try to remember to drop off the other 6 for development later tonight or tomorrow.

Unfortunately, my mom's Konica is MIA as well, and we're running out of places to look. Ideally this one is in a pocket somewhere as well. In any case, those who took digital photos have started sending them our way, as you can see from the several previous posts - it's really kind of cool to see.

[A couple more videos of the Hounds playing, taken with my dad's digital camera.]

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