Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Daily Post (Josh) 2010-02-28

Odd day today. Ended up waking early, and decided to take advantage of the time. Rolled out of bed and went straight down to the Lower Klamath Wildlife Refuge, hoping to catch the Bald Eagles with the sun at the right angle (their usual haunt leaves them fairly well silhouetted in the afternoons). Not much luck there - it seems that most of the pack has moved on for the season already, as there simply weren't many to be found. On the other hand, the Red-shouldered Blackbirds were out in serious force - there were probably over a thousand individual birds in the area where I usually find the eagles - crazy.

These two videos aren't terribly steady, I'm afraid, but they should serve to illustrate the crazy cacophony produced by the swarm.

I was price checking a few possible continuous lighting sources this evening at Walmart and Home Depot when my body suddenly decided that it was going to be viciously sick - horrible nausea and dizziness and funky flashing lights in my vision. Very strange, and disturbing. Not sure what's going on there.

Ended up skipping my near nightly call to Eden in favor of just trying to lie still and go to sleep early, at 9. Really not doing so hot, hoping I feel better in the morning.

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