Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Daily Post (Josh) 2010-03-08

With class time in journalism done for the term, I had the luxury of not worrying about class until noon today. This worked out rather well, as I slept very poorly, and in point of fact actually ended up passing out again for an hour or two after first getting up - normally sleeping at any time while the sun is up is a sheer impossibility for me, but I was just that tuckered out!

Today is also a pretty big milestone - our first anniversary, a full year into this crazy thing called marriage. It's hard being apart from Eden right now, especially as I'd love to be there to show her how special this feels. Regardless, I'll be making it up to her next week, when the term is finally over and I can get out of here for a while!

I'm feeling pretty ok about the lab final tomorrow; running the flashcards is producing less and less flubs each time I do it, and some of the earlier structures I couldn't seem to hold in my brain are finally starting to make sense. We'll see how it goes.

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