Saturday, September 11, 2010

Daily Post (Josh) 2010-08-17

Today we started pet-sitting at Vicki and Kari's again, and have the next five days to look forward to with Jake, Teddy, and Rikki. It's an event that we've come to look forward to, not just because of the money it brings, but because it also represents a break of sorts. Their house is just up the hill from downtown Portland, but it feels pleasantly isolated and peaceful, even so.

Their view of the Portland skyline is nothing less than breathtaking, especially when it's a smoggy day - bad for the environment, but wonderful vistas.

All in all, it's been a very pleasant day, with just one unfortunate incident. Somehow I managed to trip on the very last step of their stairs and come down rather horribly wrong on my left big toe - not sure if it's anything serious (doesn't feel broken, at least), but it hurts something awful! Guess that'll teach me to pay attention, perhaps.

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