Saturday, September 11, 2010

Daily Post (Josh) 2010-08-19

Teddy and Jake are both good dogs, and usually a wonderful pair to care for, but Teddy does have one steady, annoying habit. Both dogs are well trained and have shock collars that establish limits as to how far they can roam outside. Unfortunately, there is a stand of hedges that is within their range and largely inaccessible to humans. Teddy has made this his hiding place for when he just doesn't want to come in, and it's just not worth arguing with him. Adjacent to this is a large tree that he tends to stand under to check on our patience level. Over time, this has become "Teddy's tree", and he actually tends to look fairly cute, standing watch under it.

Of course, since he's a dog and just a bit stubborn, it's been a long time (unfulfilled) desire of mine to get a few pictures of him under his tree, and he just hasn't cooperated, until today. Jake even let me have a few good pics of him too!

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