Saturday, September 11, 2010

Daily Post (Josh) 2010-08-30

Today marks a first, of sorts. That is to say, today I was actually asked to do a paid photography gig by one of my former roommates, Abe. He's made a connection with a local business by the name of Peppercorn point of sale, and has set me up as the photographer for the peppercorns that will be their logo.

I've got to say, it's been an exciting, and frustrating, day. I've pulled out all of the tricks that I know of to provide the greatest amount of magnification out of the lenses I have to work with such a small subject, and it's just been an incredible amount of effort to get a clear picture. Unfortunately, the proportion of the picture that's in focus is just one of the many things in physics that's subject to an inverse square rule; as you get smaller and closer to the lens, the part that's sharp gets less than paper thin darn fast!

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