Thursday, September 23, 2010

Daily Post (Josh) 2010-09-20

Buh. I don't want to prejudice myself after just a few days of taking the new meds, but I think I'm getting the same effect out of the alternative beta blockers that I did out of the ones that the nurse practitioner gave me down in Klamath Falls - long, intense migraines with horrible dizziness and nausea.

Spent most of the day just huddled in bed, although I did take the time to check in on all of my classes online; only C and Anatomy have any content there yet, but I'm pretty encouraged by what I've found so far. C looks like it's not going to be too very intense; the concepts that are in the outline are ones that I've explored in other languages, so it should be ok there, although it seems that the workload is going to be a bit higher than I projected.

Anatomy, on the other hand, looks like a mixed bag. The instructor sent out an email saying only "download the files from the website" without giving any indication of what website (his stuff turned out to be on my.pcc instead of the normal blackboard app) or even an indication of who he was/what class he was attached to. Interestingly, though, once I found his stuff, I was quite impressed - all of his powerpoints for the entire term are already up, with extensive review questions that he's written for each chapter. Bodes well, I think.

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