Thursday, April 1, 2010

Daily Post (Josh) 2010-03-16

Bah... looks like this might be the start of another migraine cycle. Continuing to feel pretty awful today, mostly nausea. Oddly, Eden's not doing so hot on migraines or nausea today either. Could as easily be a bug, I suppose, but the timing is a little odd considering I just got home last night.

A little bit of disturbing self revelation this morning. Depending on which scale in the house I check, I'm down 15-20 lbs over the last two months, although the spare tire around the waist doesn't seem to be going away. Losing everywhere else, though, including the fingers, which means my wedding ring keeps on slipping off. Time to change over to a neck cord, for the moment.

Felt semi-ok in the late afternoon and happened to notice a heck of a lot of robins invading the back yard. Interesting photo subjects, as always.

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