Friday, April 23, 2010

Daily Post (Josh) 2010-04-21

I am NOT fond of trick questions. Unfortunately, professor McVay appears to be... Oh well, by my count I'm continuing a trend of getting one more question right on each new quiz from her. By my estimation, I should end up with at least one perfect score by the end of this thing, at least, if this continues. Sheesh.

On the other hand, my count does not appear to be that reliable, lately. In looking at the posted scores, I've been one off on tallying my score for each of the prior quizes (in my favor; recorded scores are 8/15 and 9/15, respectively), so who knows if I'm correct about landing with 10/15 today.

20100421_MG_1266 - Cold feet.jpgMother nature decided to dump yet another load of snow on us this morning, making today's session in Digital Media both chilly and short. I overheard someone on the radio yesterday saying that, due to global warming, spring has been arriving earlier each year, as much as 10 days earlier today than a mere century ago. I would have to agree with this, having seen some glorious days earlier this year. What the speaker failed to mention is that, in Klamath Falls, spring may come early, but it sure as heck doesn't stay for long.

Abe, Nichole, and I went to visit Clyde in the lockup at the vet's this afternoon. Thanks to the animal control incident, he's in quarantine for the next 8 days. Not wonderful, but better than being lost or put down. He sure as heck didn't want to go back to the kennel after playing in the dog run. Just the most pitiful thing you've ever seen, really.

I did finally get a chance to introduce Abe to Dr. Who (the new series) this evening, which seemed to land about as I expected. I rather think he'll be salivating for new episodes like the rest of us, once he chews through the existing four seasons.

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