Friday, April 23, 2010

Daily Post (Josh) 2010-04-16

Good day today - this has been a LONG week, psychologically, and now that school is done for a short while blowing off a little steam becomes a possibility.

I introduced the gang to Knightmare chess, which landed in a rather interesting manner, given that we ended up playing in teams so as to include everyone; the level of chaos already encouraged by this format was only enhanced by having to keep track of whose turn it was and who had what cards. A touch of tasty gin helped to keep it hilariously fun instead of frustrating, even when Nichole and Cooper managed to take out all 4 of the queens Abe and I had managed to create.

The night got late rather quickly. In fact, it got early rather quickly as well - most of the household started dropping off around 2-3, but Nichole was having trouble getting to sleep, so I didn't fight my own insomnia and we just stayed up talking; actually ended up going to bed around 5:30 or so.

These guys really have the college lifestyle figured out; a large household where pretty much everyone gets along and hangs out for fun, but allows each member to have their own time and space as desired. The fact that they have 4 separate couches which far exceed the meager comfort of the bedslabs offered in the dorms means that staying put for the evening isn't much of a sacrifice, to me.

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