Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Daily Post (Josh) 2010-05-14

Today started out pretty good; no chemistry in the morning since the teacher is out and her sub wasn't going to be around, so I went down to the southern wildlife preserve here to shoot for a few hours - darn nice way to start out a Friday.

Dinner was good too, with Abe and Nichole taking the helm and making some pretty tasty Fajitas. We definitely need to get a bit more organized about arranging who is doing what for meals, but it's a pattern with potential.

Unfortunately, the evening ended quite poorly - I'm not even sure how things started, but Eden and I had some harsh words that got intense enough to shake things up pretty bad. I don't really know where things are going to land, with that. Guess I have no choice but to find out in the morning.

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