Monday, February 1, 2010

Daily Post (Josh) 2010-01-30

Even though I don't normally care much for Dim Sum, it was a pleasant way to start the day today, as the family gathered to celebrate Cassie's birthday early. The chow mein was especially tasty, although the grease level in the dish was not a kind addition to my already fitful stomach. I think we were all feeling a bit of gastric distress from the wonderfully rich concoctions of the night before.

We spent most of the day driving through the gorge. Even with the overcast, slightly drizzly weather, it was peaceful and relaxing. Eden inherited my Rebel XS as her first SLR yesterday, and we had a good time exploring a few of the available settings as Cassie and Nick aped for the cameras. Between the short amount of time and a migraine resurgence on my part, we only got a chance to go over a few concepts, but I think it will be a wonderful hobby for us to share.

Our bedtime migrated a bit, however, as we found out around 11:30 that most former members of Circled by Hounds had reformed to a new band, Tarish. Given that the new band's posted photo was simply a CBH shot with Vash cropped out, the vanity text for the new band is 90% cribbed from CBH, and the reasons given for CBH splitting do not jive at all with this new move, there were more than a few hurt feelings to go around. Unfortunately, I think our collective impressions on the integrity of those we had considered good friends were damaged beyond hope of repair. The crew ended up shuttling over to Vash and Jess' house just short of midnight to commiserate. For all that the occasion was a bit somber, it was still nice to see them before I had to leave town.

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