Monday, February 1, 2010

Daily Post (Josh) 2010-01-31

Eden had an early class today for marketing her business, so Jen and I actually ended up getting back to campus at 3, after an excruciating drive. Reflecting back, I've driven nearly 900 miles in various vehicles in the last four days, so the cold sweat agony that was tinged with unpleasant tingling and sparkly vision probably shouldn't have surprised me, but I guess I'm just not that smart. I just can't believe how much potential pain is tied up in this foot issue.

The gastric issues that started up last friday are continuing; feels like my stomach is dumping massive amounts of acid again. I had thought this was simply a reflection of the unspeakably rich and tasty ingredients in the various chocolate creations, but now I'm not so sure. My distress is rapidly approaching the volume and type of pain I experienced in the months leading up to my gallbladder's revolt. I'll have to watch this in the days to come, to be sure that something else isn't going horribly wrong.

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