Monday, February 15, 2010

Daily Post (Josh) 2010-02-15

Beautiful day out today; even if I didn't end up spending any large portion of it outside, the fresh spring scents really lifted my spirits. Kind of odd, come to think of it - much of my sense of smell was killed off in my early navy years and during the time I spent in Japan; I wouldn't have thought I retained enough to enjoy those particular scents that much.

Spoke with my adviser this morning and locked in next term's planned classes with the girls. Now it's just a matter of waiting for registration to be unlocked for each of us. I find myself unsure of how I feel about the Tai Chi class that I've decided to take. On the one hand, anything that will help with relaxation can only be a blessing. On the other, I'm sure to be more than a little self conscious, at least at first. Oh well, time to man up.

Spent a portion of the evening relaxing with Jen and Tank, as well, after studying for the quiz in A&P lab. Tonight's selection was the series "Wonderfalls". Just one of many great concepts cut short after a single season.

I'm rediscovering how strangely fulfilling it is to share beloved authors, series, and movies with friends. Perhaps it's something about the reflection of like mindsets when they enjoy things that you've treasured.

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