Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Daily Post (Josh) 2010-02-02

A&P lab today was fairly interesting. The fact that we were disecting pig eyes actually had nothing to do with my now daily gastric distress, which had arrived promptly 10 minutes before class, and was almost entirely focused on pain generation, rather than bile upheaval. Honestly, the procedure wasn't quite as disturbing as I had projected, and the eye ceased to be anything we could identify with the second the cornea had been removed - neat psychological trick there, I think.

Photography class, on the other hand, was a complete wash. Professor Becerra had just had a dental procedure of some sort that was fair more debilitating than he had anticipated, and he dismissed the class at precisely 5:01.

On the plus side, that allowed the girls and I to meet at Roxanne's a little early to study for tomorrow's quiz. I'm not sure how much of it stuck; felt a little like the description of a simple reflex arc (which completely bypasses the brain) was a little too relevant to our respective mindstates. In any case, it was a worthy effort, and I hope enough stays in the braincase that I'll do ok on multiple choice. If nothing else, the morning session before class ought to keep it fresh.

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